Potco Switzerland Wiki

Due to multiple people leaving, all Swiss members will have to sign a contract representing their term and service for the Swiss Navy, Army, or Special Forces branches. In order to be approved, you must have a Stamp/Signature of a Military leader deemed by a HCO of Switzerland.

Current Permission[]

  • William Seasteel (King Tylar I)
  • Blake Stewart (Prince Blek/Lord Admiral Izzy Dedyett)
  • Joseph Coalsmythe (Josef Kohlechsmied) 


Your name: (Blake)

Main Pirates Level: (25)

Mastered Weapons: (Cutlass)

Better at SvS or PvP: (Can do both)

Branch you wish to serve: (Royalty)

How long do you wish to serve? Higher Amount and more loyalty will result in faster promotions: (Until Death)

Former/Current Militaries/Coalitions served in: (Great Britain)

Any family: (Umyus)

Proven Signature:

Crowned Prince Blake Stewart

Side Notes[]

EVERYONE will need to fill this out to be reemmitted back into the Switzerland Military. Until then, everyones job is on hold. To fill out a form, make a page with the name of...

"(your name here):Switzerland Military Contract"

If you leave before your time is up, it will result in immediate and possible permanent exile.

By order of,

Crowned Prince Blake Stewart
